Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad

This is the Caesar Salad of all Caesar Salads


Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad
My Brussel Sprouts Ceasar Salad with Pancetta

I have been eye-balling this “salad” recipe for a while now and decided to make it for the first time on Christmas Day (wow…taking chances here) and it was a huge HIT! I am impressed by this Brussels Sprouts Caesar Salad. It is quick and easy and also out of the norm. I served it as a first course, but it is good enough to be a main course.  

What I would be careful for:

  • Too much Olive Oil
  • Bad croutons

I hated the oily croutons that I used (should have made my own…super easy) and I did pour too much olive oil into it- I hardly measure. 

How to enhance:

  • I added Pancetta, but you can add another non-fatty meat (or fatty).
  • Add Nuts
  • Add Dried Fruits
Brussel Sprouts Washed and Primped
Brussel Sprouts in Cast Iron Pan
Brussel Sprouts with Dressing