Image from Pexels
Anxiety can be the unwelcome passenger in your daily commute, showing up at stressful times
or in times of change or uncertainty, affecting your mood, your abilities, your well-being, and
ultimately your quality of life. There are many ways to combat anxiety, stay in control of your
emotions, and hopefully maintain your mental health. In this article, shared by My Unbounded
Life, we discuss a variety of things you can do to relieve anxiety, from pleasure to rest to
professional counsel.
Discover Joy in Favorite Pursuits
Find time for your hobbies, especially things you enjoy. Painting, hiking, reading, or cooking —
whatever you like to do — distracts you from your daily stresses and allows your mind to reset.
If you do these things regularly, you will feel better and be more creative and resourceful, which
anxiety robs you of. Put your favorite things on your calendar as you would for any appointment.
Learn to Recognize and Avoid Triggers
Identify your anxiety triggers: the people, places, and situations that make you feel uneasy.
Learn to avoid or mitigate them as much as possible during your day. If crowds make you
anxious, for instance, visit public spaces during off-peak hours. With time, facing your triggers
can reduce their pull on your wellness and foster healing.
Prepare for a Career Change
If you’re in a job that no longer feels challenging or you’re ready for a career change, it might be
the perfect time to get a healthcare degree online. By earning a healthcare degree, you’ll
engage with a skills-based curriculum that aligns with key competencies and standards set by
top professional associations in the industry. Online programs provide the flexibility to continue
working full-time while advancing your education, making it easier to balance your career and
Experiment with Relaxation Techniques
Anxiety can be countered using relaxation techniques. Progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, and
tai chi promote relaxation of the mind and body. All techniques help to release tension and
promote peace of mind and calm. Experiment to find the approach that helps you the most, and
practice often to see the best results. Regular use of relaxation techniques will reduce anxiety
and increase your emotional resilience.
Cultivate Positive Thinking
Replace your negative thoughts with affirmations. Catch yourself when you’re in a downward
spiral of negative thoughts and reframe them into affirmations. For example, replace “Oh my
God, I can’t believe I messed that up” with “I can cope with this” or “I can handle this challenge.”
This doesn’t mean you’ll never feel bad again, but it can stimulate the cognitive reframing
function in your brain so that you don’t get into the negative-thought rut as frequently.
Embrace the Power of Writing
Putting your thoughts on paper can be a powerful therapeutic tool. It helps you organize your
thoughts, reflect on your feelings, and clarify what is causing you distress. Try writing freely
about your day-to-day experiences and feelings. Doing so occasionally (particularly at bedtime)
can also help you sleep more soundly without anxiety-provoking thoughts.
Maintain a Gratitude Journal
Keeping a gratitude journal helps you concentrate on the good things that happen in your life,
which can easily drown out anxieties. Writing down all the things you’re grateful for, even just a
few times a week, can turn your attention away from negative thoughts and help you focus on
the positives. Try to write in your gratitude journal every day; write down moments, people, or
experiences that made you happy.
Seek Professional Guidance
Sometimes, it’s helpful to get professional help for anxiety. Therapists and counselors help
people just like you understand and manage their feelings. They can give you strategies that fit
your situation to help manage anxiety. If you are feeling like you can’t handle your anxiety alone,
it can be a strength to reach out and get the support you need.
Anxiety does not have to be a part of your daily routine. It can help you experience greater calm
and equanimity in your life. Every day that you take a step in this direction is a day you are
moving towards a calmer, less anxious life.
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