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Here are 5 Fascinating Facts About Mosquitoes:

    1. Mosquitoes Have Been Around for Ages: Mosquitoes have been on Earth for over 100 million years, with fossil evidence showing that they existed even during the time of the dinosaurs.

    2. Only Female Mosquitoes Bite: Female mosquitoes are the ones that bite humans and animals to feed on their blood, which they need to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes, on the other hand, feed on nectar and do not bite.

    3. Mosquitoes Can Detect Carbon Dioxide: Mosquitoes have a highly developed sense of smell that allows them to detect the carbon dioxide emitted by humans and animals. This helps them locate their targets and feed on their blood.

    4. Mosquitoes Are Responsible for Spreading Many Diseases: Mosquitoes are vectors for many serious and sometimes deadly diseases, including malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus, and yellow fever.

    5. Mosquitoes Can’t Fly Very Far: Despite their reputation for being able to travel long distances, mosquitoes are relatively weak fliers and can only travel about 1-2 miles without resting.

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