Oh the Hangover. It is usually the aftermath of drinking irresponsibly and a painful consequence indeed. It is caused by dehydration which is caused by not hydrating properly and/or a toxic chemical within the alcohol that cause frequent urination.

Hangovers usually begin a couple hours after the last drink and typically last for 24 hours.

Hangovers happen to the best of us. If you find yourself in this predicament, try these Natural Hangover Remedies. 

Here's our Top Hangover Remedies from Instagram:

*Please note that these are suggestions. We do not guarantee that these natural remedies will work. Try at your own risk.

1. CBD

The popularity of CBD is at an all time high. Many states have made it legal medically. It is popular because you get the benefits of marijuana without the psychoactive effects (the highness).

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is used for pain and nausea. 

Only use LEGALLY.

“This is the best hangover cure for those nights when I get a little sloppy.” -Anonymous from IG

2. Coffee

You see it in almost every teen highschool flick. The kid parties too hard and the responsible best friend gives them a hot cup of coffee and they sober up. Some people use coffee as a natural hangover remedy, but it is debatable. 

3. Tea

Tea is actually a great natural hangover remedy because of the natural elements and herbs that are in tea. 

  • Ginger tea – Soothing and Anti-Inflammatory
  • Peppermint tea- It is an energizing herb that is known to help upset stomachs
  • Lavender tea – It is Anti-Inflammatory and Soothing
  • Chamomile tea- Will help you sleep and soothe stomach pain
  • Green tea- A natural detox, to help you rid of the alcohol chemicals

“Tea is my go to for hangovers. Chamomile helps a banging headache.”- IG

4. Pickles

This might sound funny, but pickles have electrolytes because of the salt.

Eating pickles in the morning will help a hangover, better yet drink the juice.

5. Grilled Cheese or Greasy Foods

This method is debatable. The Urban Legend is that grease will soak up the alcohol. If you already slept your body already absorbed the alcohol. Eating greasy and tasty food will make you mentally feel better.

6. Ginger Ale

Ginger is amazing. Drinking Flat ginger ale will sooth stomach pain.

“Instead of Ginger Ale, drink Ginger Tea, if available. It is stronger”

7. Don't Drink

If you find yourself with a constant hangover, just don’t drink. Your body maybe allergic to it or you may need to learn how to be a responsible drinker.

A good night isn’t worth a bad day

Natural Hangover Remedies


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